The Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) holds a prominent position among the leading teams competing in the Indian Premier League (IPL). The team...
On Wednesday, during their loss to Punjab Kings (PBKS) in an Indian Premier League (IPL) match in Guwahati, Rajasthan Royals captain Sanju...
The Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) and the other 9 teams are currently busy in its planning for the upcoming IPL 2022 Mega...
The IPL 2022 retention news is all over the internet. Two new teams have joined, and hence, there is more excitement about...
Most cricketers of the modern era have become celebrities and icons thanks to the increasing fan following of the sport. Earlier, the...
Getting an opportunity to play for your country is in itself a great achievement. One of the major expectations from a debutante...